Firearms Training

Making a Safer Operational Area

The entire goal of firearms training from our stand point is to reduce mishaps and ensure our Soldier, Officers, and any one involved comes home. 

This is a huge gap in our military currently. We are aiming to fill that gap as quick as possible to give our Soldiers tools for training other Soldiers before deployment. 

Not all agencies are crated equal. Wouldn't it be great to get some additional training on weapons you could encounter during your shift?

Some agencies may not have instructors who have been exposed to competitive training events. While safety is key, introducing some stres fire after fundamentals can help mentally prepare those who are carrying a pistol as a duty weapon.

Very similar to Combat Pistol, Combat Rifle can really refine and hone those basics and bring them together in a short duration training event that will enable Soldiers to be more effective, and mitigate risk.