Law Enforcement Weapons ID Course

A class focused on officer safety

When recieving our first on site inspection by the BAFTE, we realized, the potential exists that not all departments are funded or trained equally. Sometimes, a patrol officer, or investigative officer, may encounter something that just doesn't look right, but they may not know why.

The concept of this class is a one day, non firing, preliminary block of instruction on the operation of many firearms commonly found during law enforement contacts. The fundamental lesson of how to make the weapons safe to prevent mishaps and prevent the loss of life. Department leaders would provide the training space, and we would provide the instruction, visual aids, and training aids. 


Many formats of pistols from single shot, revolver, or semi automatic are being found across the globe. These are commonly concealed, and due to size, post a great risk to harm from mishandling. 


Single Shot, Bolt Action, or lever action, all of them may require attention to detail for evidence collection and making safe. Is it of legal length?


As you may see with rifles, there are common, and uncommon action styles. Is it a short barrel shotgun, any other weapon, or legal length?

Assault Rifles

Some departments have patrol rfiles, and the officer may have had no other platform they are familiar with. This is a good oppurtunity to understand is it really an assault rifle, is it a short barreled rifle, and is it legal to own?

To optimize student to instructor ratio, we will limit the class size to ten total students per class. This will enable the class to break out into smaller teams and utilize dummy rounds to safely clear the weapons.

The end goal is to also take these learning points with them and teach other Officers

1) Ensuring weapons are in a safe direction and handling while not flagging a criminal, civilian, or Officers

2) Removing the feed source from the weapon system, regardless of size or feeding style

3) Checking the chamber of the weapon to ensure no live rounds are inside, and leaving the system safe

Our best goal is to not only train on these systems, providing safety mitigation, but also instilling basics that cross over to primary weapons systems, thereby producing my compotent, confident, and capable Officers and leaders.